What is in it for Sponsor Brands?

  • Unparalleled Visibility: Sponsoring the Turkish-German Business Summit on May 18, 2024, at the Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch provides unparalleled visibility and strategic positioning for brands in the European market.
  • Exclusive Exposure: As a sponsor, your brand gains exclusive exposure to a targeted audience comprising leading European companies, experts, and business professionals.
  • Prominent Logo Placement: Your logo will be prominently featured in event materials, ensuring widespread recognition and reinforcing your brand's presence.
  • Networking Opportunities: Sponsors have the opportunity to engage with attendees during dedicated networking sessions, fostering valuable connections with key players in the industry.
  • Support for Convergence: This investment not only supports the convergence of European businesses with leaders but also positions your brand as a key player in fostering international collaboration.